Monday, April 14, 2014


After your oxygen needs were so high I kept saying that something just wasn't right and that this was very unlike you. The doc mentioned that when babies are sedated their breathing effort is taken away and all the modes on the ventilator have to be figured out. The problems started about 2 hours after your fentanyl drip to sedate you so I thought there was a connection. I kept talking to the nurses and asking questions. Your hands turned blue while I was holding them and adrianne called the doc and respiratory therapist immediately. They had to bag you and give you breaths. At first I went down the hall to cry, unable to stay by your bedside but then I decided if you didn't make it I wanted to be near you. I went back by your crib a ways back from the docs and stood by your daddy. Your oxygen saturation got as low as 7 and it's supposed to be in the 90's. I received a calmness and my heart settled down for which I am extremely grateful. The doc said it was a bronchial spasm. The bronchi in your lungs clamp down and no air is able to get into your lungs. Because no oxygen is getting in your sats drop and you turn blue. Thankfully after the bagging and relaxing of the bronchi your sats came back up. Your oxygen percentage is in the 70's now whereas during the drop it was as high as 97. We think you are very sensitive to the drip and they've ordered a different pain med for you. We will still reassess tomorrow. 

We are so grateful that we learned this before the surgery. If the drip hadn't been started we would have found this out in the OR or after surgery during recovery. Things would have been much worse. I'm emotionally and physically exhausted and you haven't even had surgery yet. I can't believe I am still standing and functioning. It's a good thing prayer is a powerful thing, and by that I mean all of you reading this that are praying for us. Thank you. And I am forever grateful for my savior and his abiding love. He carries us when we can no longer can carry ourselves. His yoke is easy and his burdens are light. I know he is pulling me along. When I think of our situation and how hard things have been, still are, and will be I will not deny the fact that He knows us. He knows how to succor us. I need to continue to trust. One day or hour at a time. 

Hang in there my sweet boy. 

1 comment:

  1. He was on my mind all day so I checked in. Thank you for sharing...praying for all of you! Doctors and nurses as well!
