Tuesday, June 24, 2014

You're such a Ham

Today you were in such a great mood!!! You haven't been in a mood like this for me in over a week.  I was trying to get a video of you sticking your tongue out over and over.  You'e been obsessed with sticking your tongue out, which is just adorable. After a few attempts I struck gold when you smiled AND stuck your tongue out while I was recording. It was the BEST! I'm sure I'll watch this video a few hundred times today. So happy to have this moment with you and so happy to have it on VIDEO!!!! When you are happy it's like magic for my heart. Even though your settings are still high I can cope a million times better because you're happy. When your settings are high and you're agitated, sad, and not interactive it's extremely difficult. I am so grateful for moments like today. Thanks buddy.
Chillin with Dad.
Showered with kisses.

 Hangin with sissy.
 Trying to kiss Hallie back.
Getting sleeeeepy.

Love you like crazy.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. It makes me so happy to see him smiling and hear your voice happy and soaking in all the smiles. He is so talented with his tounge. :) Oh, I love him. Yay for a great day. Love his dimple and expressions and seeing him be a happy baby. xoxoxxo


  2. This filled up my heart. Oh, what a sweetheart! <3 Love from Cali. <3
