Saturday, June 21, 2014


Your name is a very special name. Mom and Dad picked out the name Caleb Luke over 11 years ago. I always thought we would have a boy but after having 4 children dad and I were sure we were done. In fact, people would ask us if we would ever have another baby and my answer was, "Uh, it would take a miracle." Well sweet boy, you are that miracle. Back when we picked out your name I didn't even think of the bible story that involved a man named Caleb. Caleb was a companion to Joshua. It's of Hebrew origin meaning, "faith, devotion, whole hearted." Caleb is known in the bible for his fearlessness in the face of overwhelming odds. You, my son, have a name that couldn't fit you more perfectly. Your giant, fearless and devoted spirit shines through your little body. Growing inside me for almost 10 weeks with next to no fluid is miraculous. Your survival of birth and the first six months of your life is miraculous. You are an amazing son and I couldn't be more proud to be your mother.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Caleb, I love this. What a great role model your namesake is! I love you so much sweet boy. I love all the pictures your mom posts, and I especially love the dimples in your elbows! You keep on hanging in there, and know lots of people are praying for you all the time. Sooner or later, this breathing thing will start to get easier. I hope its sooner, but you are doing a great job so far. I'm proud to be your auntie, and proud to be your mommy's sister. Your mom and dad and sisters are all amazing.
    Auntie Amanda
