Monday, June 2, 2014

Busy Morning

You've had a very busy morning! You've had your normal things done (blood draws and bath) along with your bi weekly chest x-ray. Today is Monday so you got your trach changed out (they change it every Monday). They did an ultrasound of your kidneys and bladder. Since we think you had a UTI they need to make sure you don't have any renal stones. Because you have had LASIX daily for about 2-3 months it can be vey hard on your body and can cause stones which can cause UTI's. You also had a catheter for another urine sample to make sure nothing grows after finishing your antibiotics. You're also getting an echo sometime this morning to see how your heart and pulmonary pressures are since you are no longer taking the medication for pulmonary hypertension. A very busy morning for you buddy! I'm excited to come see you in a bit to give you lots of loves and snuggles. You're a little warrior and stronger than I can comprehend. 
Love you sweet boy. 

1 comment:

  1. Goodness he is such a trooper!! We love you baby boy! Sooo much! We pray for you everyday. xoxox

    Auntie Angie
