Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"Well that's a crappy blood gas."

Those were dad's words when I told him what your blood gas was this morning.  You co2 was the highest it's been since, well, I don't remember when. Normal for you is 60's and this morning was 93. They did a repeat blood gas and it was 98. So they went higher on your ventilation settings again. You're just not yourself. We are trying to figure out what's wrong. It's so tough because with chronic lung disease there aren't answers. And what works one day may not work the next. What we think might be causing something may or may not actually be the reason. I'm sorry sweet boy. We are giving you meds to try and keep you calm so you're not working so hard to breathe. I took gram to the airport and am watching you get your chest physical therapy (CPT). These last several days have been so hard. On you, and us. I love you so much, buddy. 
Hang in there. 


  1. Nothing I can say to make it better - just wanted you to know he's still holding court in our hearts far from the beep of the hospital monitors. I'm still sending what I can in terms of good thoughts and prayers nonetheless.

  2. Hang in the sweet heart. We love you so much and always have you in our hearts and prayers. Xoxo
