Sunday, June 15, 2014

Quite the exit from church

At the end of sacrament meeting dad got a call from dr green and stepped out to take it. I was at the other end of the bench so I didn't know. Out of the blue dad says from behind me, "Caleb pulled out his trach and is okay right now but we need to go." We left suddenly, in the middle of the closing hymn, which I'm sure was quite the exit. Something happened to your airway, either the trach came out or there was a mucous plug, and then you had a bronchial spasm and stopped breathing completely. My heart just dropped. They had to do chest compressions for a few minutes. Oh, sweet boy. 

Dad drove rather fast. While we were driving Julia said, "Mom doesn't make the car go....vrrrrrrooommmmm," as she makes the noise of the engine accelerating very rapidly! We all laughed pretty hard. 

When we got there Dr green came to talk to us. Once they put a new trach in you were still clamped down and no air was getting in so they had to do compressions. You were at 100 percent oxygen but there wasn't air exchange. After a couple minutes your stats started coming back. We got there just as they were getting you comfortable again. After about another half an hour your oxygen percentage needs went down to the 50's. 

I hugged Adrianne and Jamie and cried. Jamie was the one that did the CPR on you and it shook her up. She said you looked up at her with such a said face after and she just cried. Adrianne is like a second mom so of course this was hard on her too, she cried too. The head nurse was in there during everything and just kept talking to you and saying, "Caleb don't do this. You're not gonna do this. Come on." You have such amazing nurses and doctors. They love you and care about you so much. We are so grateful for them. 

Adrianne made a sign for Father's Day for daddy. Dr green said he was sorry and happy Father's Day and dad just said, "he's still here so it IS a happy Father's Day." 

We came home to get some food and then dad and I will come back to be with you. Goodness that was quite the scare, buddy. One of the hardest for sure. We love you like crazy and are so grateful you're still here. 

Love you to heaven and back. 


  1. I don't even know what to say. I am so beyond grateful for his care. For all of those who love him like we do. For their level headed thinking and for the blessing from Heavenly Father that Caleb is still here. As I read and tears flowed freely.. my heart was so grateful but my head had a hard time believing that I was reading about MY Caleb. My nephew. Love you to heaven and back and back to heaven again. Kiss that baby Caleb for me. Tell him I love him please. I know the Lord loves you Leah. I know he loves Caleb. I know he is blessing you and all of us. This is the hardest, craziest roller coaster I've ever been on... but I know as we cleave to the Lord and eachother we can do it as long as it takes. I realize that I have it a lot easier than you do in this journey and I am sorry for that... But that doesn't change the fact that you are not alone in this. So gratfeul for another blessing of the timing of all of this today with Mom still there to help and be with the girls. Love you!!!


  2. timoteo's are sending prayers and love y'alls way!

  3. Gosh, Leah, so hard to read and so grateful is he ok. Sounds like he is in amazing hands. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you all.
    Love, the Huish's

    1. I was devastated to see your blog go private! I have followed sweet Sadie and your family since the beginning. I miss your blog! If your keeping it for just family that is fine but if not could you add me?

  4. I finally figured out how to "comment" and have it actually post...Jim and I have continued to check your blog every day--sometimes several times--for news and updates about Caleb, and how y'all are doing. Just sat down to check for today, and while so sad to hear of your ordeal, we're filled with gratitude that Caleb was able to get through it. What a truly amazing group of doctors, nurses, and therapists--who are not only highly skilled but so filled with compassion and love. The courage and faith with which you all continue to ride this roller coaster is humbling and inspiring. Know that our prayers never cease for Caleb, for you and Zeb, and those precious girls. We send our love and many hugs

  5. Mr. Caleb, you, sweet boy, are so strong. So brave. And so loved. Hang in there sweet heart. xoxoxo

  6. Extra prayers for your family tonight!!!

  7. I love those nurses and doctors! Happy Father's Day Zebby…I'm so glad Caleb is still here.

  8. I bawled reading this today, Leah. I love you so much. He is a sweetheart. We love you. We are so thankful that he is okay. HUGS. Huge hugs. XOXO, Becca & James.

  9. I find myself obsessed with lil Caleb. Checking for updates multiple times a day. I just love seeing his cute smile and dimples! Praying for him and your family!!

  10. oh my goodness. Tell little Mr.Caleb to behave himself!! Thank god the team was fast acting, as always you all are in our prayers
