Monday, June 9, 2014


You've been in such great moods the last few days and you're just smiling for everyone. Well the females at least! You love the nurses and female respiratory therapists. And OT's. You're seriously so cute. They told me you're starting to laugh. Oh I wish I could hear your laugh. One day I will. I'm so grateful I can see your smile. I remember when you were intubated for so many months and I couldn't see what your smile looked like. I love your smile. It melts my heart every single time I see it. My cheeks hurt so bad when I see you smile because I grin from ear to ear. They pretty much go numb. 
Playing with your were so smiley. 

After we visited for a while you fell asleep in my arms and we had some awesome snuggle time. I love holding you and wish I could hold you all day long. Your cheeks are the best. I could eat them they're so soft and squishy. 
I'm always so happy to spend time with you. You've been in the 40's today which is pretty great to see again. You're honestly such a fighter, buddy. You're one special boy. 

Tomorrow youre getting circumcised. The older you get the harder it will be and you're already so old that they're going to put you under for the surgery. The sooner we do it the better. You just weren't able to get it before now. It will be nice to put it behind us. I hope if doesn't bother you too much. I hope everything goes smoothly. I pray it does. 
Sure do love you. 


  1. Best smile! What a happy boy…It makes me so happy to see him smiling that way :)!

  2. Just curious why you would circumcise him at all? Caleb is adorable by the way, and we pray for him lots (strangers in Utah who stumbled onto your blog).

  3. Why would put a baby in the NICU through surgery that can wait until he is out of hospital? My nephew was circumcised when he was one and he was fine with the surgery and afterwards

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Heidi and Lia, I appreciate your support of our family, but this is not the proper forum for questioning our decisions as Caleb's parents.

  6. Leah and Zeb - I randomly came across your blog a few months ago and have been praying for your sweet son and your family! Your decisions as Caleb's parents should NEVER be questioned - ever!!! Keep on being the awesome, supportive, caring parents that you obviously are!

  7. I'm sorry! I really did not mean to question your decisions as Caleb's parents. It's just a topic I have been researching heavily lately and like to know why people choose either side. I really didn't mean it like I think you guys are not doing what is right for your family. Sorry again. I think you guys are awesome parents and all your kids look so happy and healthy. I truly hope he heals quickly and continues to improve.

    1. Heidi, thank you for your sweet words. I appreciate it so much. Our family appreciates each and every prayer offered on our behalf. And they do make a difference, they really do. I have tried to omit the discussions we have with the doctors about different things regarding Caleb's care because they are so very difficult. There are many conversations we have, lots of research and reading, with deep thought and prayer that go into each decision. Because of the personal nature of those things I have just posted what our decision was without the complete picture. Part of the reason for that is because when people have differing opinions I feel personally attacked when someone disagrees with a decision we have made for our family. If someone doesn't have the whole picture and they disagree with a decision it's easier for me handle. Anyway, thank you for your response and further explanation as to what you meant. I wanted to reply tonight because I can't sleep well if I thought I had upset or hurt someone and wanted to make sure you could sleep if you're anything like me. Hope you have a great night! Thanks for caring for our family.

    2. Thanks for responding Leah. I was so worried I had deeply offended you when none was intended. I am the same way and couldn't have slept tonight if I didn't know whether I had hurt you. I understand completely about not sharing the whole picture, and I really didn't mean to attack you in any way. Happy birthday by the way (it's my birthday today as well). :) Hope I didn't ruin it with my careless words.

    3. Happy belated birthday! That's awesome we have the same birthday. Mine was definitely not ruined in any way. It's hard to read tone when you're reading text. :) I hope yours was not ruined at all. I'm glad I responded last night. I got out of bed because my mind wouldn't rest. It being YOUR birthday I'm so glad I didn't just go to sleep. That would've been a bummer way to end your birthday. I am definitely NOT deeply offended or offended slightly in any way. Sometimes people feel the need to question people and their decisions, which seldom does any good, but I'm grateful that was not the case with you. Your question about why, with your recent research and interest in the topic, makes much more sense now. Anyway, I'm off to see my sweet little boy. Hope you slept well and your day is off to a good start. xoxo
