Monday, June 2, 2014

Mr Caleb

You're the most handsome little guy. I love your eyes. I love it when you look at me. I love your smile. Your dimples. Your chubby arms, legs, fingers, and toes. I love how you move your eyebrows like crazy. It's so fun to watch you move them! 
I love your profile. Your cheeks. Your nose. Your eyebrows.  
Your hair is falling out from moving around and your hairline is receding because you've grown so much from when you were born at 3 pounds 4 ounces. You're at 13 pounds 9.6 ounces right now. Your hair will all come back in, don't worry. 
Well baby boy, the sonogram of your tummy showed that you do in fact have renal (kidney) stones. We will wean your LASIX to try to get them to go away. You're also already on a med that normally helps prevent the stones but since you're on LASIX it doesn't do as good of a job. Apparently when the stones move to your bladder is when they become painful so hopefully we can get rid of them before that. 
The echo on your heart was done at the end of a fit so the pressure in the right side was higher than normal. They're going to repeat the echo on Friday when you're in a good mood and not worked up. 
I was hoping for better news today but I'm glad the stones aren't giving you pain. I sure love you. I miss you more than you'll ever understand. I can't believe you're almost 6 months old. Dr Green was filling out a paper for something and it said you are 172 days old. I'm so ready to bring you home. But I need to be patient for when you're ready. It's hard to wait for that when my heart loves you so deeply. 
Love you all the way to heaven and back. 


  1. He is so very, very handsome.

    Thank you for all of the updates!

    You are doing great and your family inspires me!

  2. Those dark eyes are so penetrating. I can't stop looking at that picture.

  3. His very handsome �� ❤. We bearer this same name that what I love the most ❤ �� ☺
