Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sweet Sissy

At church today Julia drew a picture of you with Jesus.
She made sure you had spikey hair and were wrapped in a striped blanket. I adore this picture for so many reasons. Out of the blue today she said, "Mommy, I miss Caleb," as her eyes filled with tears. I quickly told her I was sorry and that I miss you too. You are so loved, sweet boy, all the way to heaven and back. 



  1. Just one more reason I love that sweet Julia! I miss him, too. I think about him every single day!

  2. ��������❤️

  3. I miss him too, Julia. I think about you all the time baby boy. I am a better person having known and loved you... and I will love you all of my life. It makes me happy you're with Jesus. That picture is aweseom!! You have the best Mom and Dad and sisters ever!!!

    Auntie Angie

  4. What a precious drawing. It makes me feel happy to know that Caleb was surrounded by love during his time on earth, and that he is still surrounded by love. Julia's drawing captures that. During my short time with Caleb, I was able to see for myself how much love he gave back. Caleb, I am so grateful that I got to hold you and sing to you, and kiss your cheeks and have you smile at me. I love you so, and I look forward to the time when we can be together and tell each other stories and sing more songs.
