Thursday, May 8, 2014


Hi sweet boy! 
You love your pacifier!!! Wahoo! Unfortunately you don't suck hard enough long enough to keep it in very long. You do NOT like it when it falls out. Apparently they have cute little stuffed animals that attach to the soothie pacifier that help weigh it down so it stays in your mouth better. I think they're called wubbanub...interesting name. We will have to look into them. 

You got your feet rubbed and loved it. You had a great night and day oxygen wise. You had more banana dips this morning and seemed to like it again. That's huge! A lot of babies that have had the ET tube for a long time become orally averse and don't want anything in or around their mouth. So happy you're doing well so far! The OT worked on your neck strength and helped you stretch it as well. Today is Thursday which means you also got your trach changed. They change it out once a week and replace it with a clean one. You had a very busy morning and slept so good in my arms cause you were tuckered out again. You're so stinking cute. I could hold you and watch you sleep all day long. ALL. DAY. LONG. 

It makes me happy you has a nice comfortable day. Makes my heart REALLY happy. 

Sure do love you. 

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