Tuesday, May 6, 2014

When I least expect it

Some days my emotions come out of nowhere. With no warning they come to the surface as though they've been waiting for the chance to break through. The difficult thing is that because they come out of nowhere, there is no warning. Like today. I was able to see Caleb (I haven't seen him in 2 days and haven't held him in 3) and got to settle in for snuggle time. He was so tired from his busy morning that his oxygen needs were higher and he was just plain pooped. He wasn't interested in looking at me, his eyes were instantly heavy and he just wanted to sleep. I love to snuggle him and don't mind if he's awake or asleep. I was just sitting there holding my sweet baby boy, so in love, when I heard the nurse say to another mom, "guess what we did today? We extubated baby and she's on CPAP." Out of absolutely NOWHERE my heart ached so longingly for those words to be for me. Or just to know the clear path to recovery. I was so happy and content holding my son and then I heard those words and burst into tears. Although my heart felt so broken the tears came with silent sobbing. Thank goodness for that, I can't imagine everyone in the nursery hearing me. 

I have determined that being a grown up is hard. Life is really hard. And when we are going through difficult trials it seems that they will never end. But I have also come to know that life isn't about forcing ourselves to get through the trials. If we do, our hearts aren't in a place to learn from The Lord. If those trials last a long time, let's be honest they last longer than we want and some are lifelong, then there would be a large part of our lives where we didn't have joy. Life is still happening around us and it is up to us to remember to live life and enjoy it. Although we can be strengthened by the grace of our savior, we still have to take an active part in choosing and finding joy in blessings we DO have. Many times it takes a tremendous amount of effort. In fact some days I don't want to give any effort at all but within a few hours I realize how inhibiting and destructive that way of thinking is. 

Just like there is always someone to compare my situation to and see how others have what I desire, there is ALWAYS someone that has things even harder than I do. If I choose to focus only on what I don't have, I'm the one that suffers. If I choose to find gratitude in things I have, despite the difficulties I'm facing I will come away feeling happy instead of sad. Grateful instead of miserable. That doesn't mean I love the things that have happened, or that it's not hard to have my son in the NICU for months and months with no idea whatsoever of when he might be able to come home. But it means that I try my hardest not to dwell on the heartache. I have a good cry and then brush off my knees, or at least I try. I look for the sun peeking through the gray skies that are dark and gloomy and focus on that little sliver of light. Light always overpowers darkness. Always. But if my head is always down it will take much longer to find it. In fact, if I don't look up I may go my whole life without finding the light at all. There are blessings every day. The Lord sends me tender mercies. After all, I know after a storm there comes a rainbow. 

Here is one of my rays of sunshine...

I hope all of you reading this know how special you are. I hope you feel of our Savior's love for you during your own trial. I am grateful for each of you, even strangers I have never met, and want to thank you for praying for our family. 



  1. Leah, my name is Carolina. I have been following your blog, and have fallen in love in Caleb.
    Today I could relate to your posting. There are words I wish I could hear too, but all in the Lord's time. I want you to know that I am grateful for your strength. Thank you for teaching me how to have faith, to stay positive, and to be obedient.
    You are an amazing woman and someone I look up to.

  2. Leah, thank you for being a tender mercy to me.
    I have learned so much from watching you over the years. And even though I haven't seen y'all for way too long, I can still watch and learn from you. I love you Leah. Thank you for being a source of strength to me and countless other people.
    We are continually, continually, continually praying for y'all.
    Love, Carol

  3. You are amazing. Your words and strength are soooo inspiring. We love you and your sweet family!

  4. Those moments are so hard, the ones that sneak up on you when you aren't prepared. It's so hard to watch this unfold without a way to make in better right now. I think that you find out how much you love others when you realize how you wish you could take on the burden for them so that they didn't have to carry it all by themselves. Sometimes I think that the tears of others, the sadness they feel in my behalf, somehow lifts the burden for me when I can't take it anymore. I pray and cry and worry for Caleb and for you and Zeb and the girls. I hope that in some way that what I do helps lift the burden. You're such a good woman, Leah. Among the best of the very best. I love you!

  5. Leah Lou,

    I love you beyond my capacity to tell you how much. You inspire, uplift and strengthen me and my faith. I pray for you everyday. For Caleb. Oh we love Mr. Caleb. I want so badly to be there with you. I would cry with you, ohh and awe over Caleb, laugh and smile and help all the time. It has been so hard to watch this unfold so far away....BUT I have learned so much from you and Zeb. I am a better person because of you and Caleb. I know more about the meaning of prayer, fasting and faith. I love you and think of you a hundred times every single day. I miss you. Miss you. Miss you.

  6. It's good to have those "least expect it moments." Not fun but good. I love you.

  7. I was YOU a few months ago Leah, wow. And I can actually say with all sincerity I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, its so hard to see little 25 weekers come into the NICU AFTER your baby and leave before your baby, but look at us now, there is a light at the end of this horrific tunnel, and Caleb looks great, I mean that. He looks amazing. Hang on to those little milestones hes reaching with all your strength and when you start to get down, and its so okay to cry and be frustrated sometimes, let it out!! (I was typing let it go, but then because I have a seven year old daughter that dang frozen song started playing in my head, and now its in there.STUCK, and I just couldnt type let it go..lol) keep up the good work lady!!
