Monday, May 19, 2014


You're about to get your first bottle. The OT isn't feeding your for nutritional purposes but just up to a teaspoon full for developmental reasons. We were all very excited!
 Since you like your binky you didn't have a problem sucking,
 You didn't really know what to think about it all.
But you did get a few millimeters. 
You got tired pretty quick.
 I love this expression. So serious and tired!
 Your big sister Claire got to hold you for the first time. She was beyond excited.
 She soaked up every moment and took such good care of you.
 She adores you. We all do.
Yesterday was a day with some pretty great firsts. 

Today has been rough. You just aren't yourself. You're not sleeping well. You're having a hard time breathing. Your stomach and chest suck way in because of the work its taking to breathe. Your oxygen has gone up to 60. It hasn't been 60 in about a week or two. Nothing I did calmed you. Rocking, patting, bouncing, holding, talking, or cuddling. I left the hospital a little early to get some emotions out. It's hard to see you trying so hard to breathe. We try and figure out whats wrong but some of the time we are stumped. Daddy got there just minutes after I left so I was grateful he got to see you. Made stepping away easier. I feel like you can sense my emotions and that sometimes it's better to step out. I love you so much, Caleb. I wish I could do more for you. I'm so proud of you and so honored to be your mom. Mom's like to make things better, it's the way Heavenly Father made us. So not being able to make things better is hard. Really hard. 
Hang in there, buddy. I'm sorry you're having a rough day. I sure love you...
All the way to heaven, and back.

Adrianne took these yesterday. You were having conversations with your friends!
I love your tongue sticking out!!!
You're so sweet!
This was today after you finally calmed down. You had your fan blowing and dozed off with me tickling your head. I can't leave when you're upset. I'm glad you got a good nap.


  1. Ok first, he is too too cute! Second, I love your face in all the bottle feeding pics, your love show for sure! And Claire with him is too wonderful!

    I hope he is doing better and tomorrow is a better day! Sweet sweet boy!

  2. Claire is a mini-Leah!! Precious pics. Colt used to loooove getting his head scratched to sleep (still does). I just remember thinking, "He is such a guy!"

    Hope the OT keeps going well! Exciting!

  3. It is so fun to see him getting to be a baby!!! It warms my heart that you and the girls were there to see him get his first bottle, and the picture of him talking to his animal friends makes my top 10 list. I love you all, and I'll see you TWO WEEKS from tomorrow!

  4. I love seeing Claire hold him. It's so sweet…she just adores him and you can totally see it in her face! H is one loved little boy. Hope the fever goes down and he gets to feeling like himself again soon!

  5. I love that the girls get to see and interact by him. The pictures of Claire holding him are so so sweet!
