Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Such a Happy Day!

Today you had a great day! You started to wake up when I got there and stayed wide awake. You smiled for dad AND me. Today was the first time you looked right at me and smiled. The few times you've smiled for me in the past you've smiled at the things I was doing but you weren't looking at me. Having you look right at me while you smiled just melted my heart. It was such a sweet moment. One I will cherish always. 
Cheryl said you've started to love falling asleep with your arm covered with your giraffe lovey that the girls gave you. I think that is just adorable. 
I love this picture. 
The other day you were holding onto your monkey while dad was holding you. 
So so darling. 

I love your chubby hands and feet. I love your sweet big cheeks and darling dimples. 
Today you just had a great day. You were well rested. Weren't working super hard to breathe. Got some naps in without fighting too hard. Smiled lots for dad, Adrianne, Cheryl and me. Didn't get super upset unless you were poopy. You do NOT like pooping or being poopy. Honestly, I can usually tell when youre about to poop because you oxygen saturation goes way down and you get super super ticked off. You're the king of blow outs. :) 
I'm so so glad you had such a great day. It makes my heart so happy. 
I love you, buddy.
...all the all the way to heaven and back.


  1. Music to my ears...

    xoxoxo All the way to heaven and back.

  2. Love the pics of him snuggling with giraffe and holding his monkey! What a little angel. I am thankful for his good days. :) Xo, Steph
