Sunday, May 25, 2014


When we came to see you Hallie could hardly wait because she knew it was her turn to hold you for the very first time.
She loved holding you. She'd keep her hand on your head and kept saying how cute you are. 
Lots of kisses of course. 
You kept sticking your tongue out so we deciced to give you some bananas. 
Big hit!!! You loved them and smacked away. I think you swallowed some of them, just not all! 
You'd suck really hard and keep the binkie I'm and then it would come shooting out all of the sudden. 
We got a pretty good kick out of the pictures Claire took. You did so great with the bananas and we loved every minute! 

Hallie loved her turn holding you. The other girls can't wait for their turn. You are loved and doted on. 
I'm so proud of you, Caleb. Have a good nights rest and keep doing what you're doing. You're amazing and I'm so grateful you're my son. 
Sweet dreams, buddy. 

1 comment:

  1. He looks very pleased to be getting a kiss from Hallie Ballie! I love it. Love that the girls finally get to spend time with him and that he gets to try new things. He's the sweetest!
