Friday, May 9, 2014

Good for your lungs

You love love love to sit up. Sometimes when you are put back on your back you get grumpy. Even though it's harder for you to get good breaths your oxygen saturation is actually better when you sit up. You're also able to cough up the stuff in your lungs which is great! 

I think you love looking around at things from a different point of view. I can say that after months in bed it gets really hard on the lungs. I'm so glad you're able to sit up and get out of bed! 

By the time we tried your banana dips you were too tired. That's okay. There's always tomorrow! 

Mom and dad both got to hold you today. Such a treat. 

After we held you it was time for your treatment. I love this look on your face. You are so expressive with your eyebrows!!! 

When I called to check on you this morning Cheryl said you slept for 8 hours straight. That's the first time you've ever done that. She said she changed your diaper at one point and you slept through it all! I'm so happy you got good deep sleep. She weaned your oxygen a bunch and you were in the 50's all day! So happy you had a great day Caleb! Your last echo showed no signs of pulmonary hypertension!!!!!! This is fantastic buddy!!!! Because of that they started weaning the medicine that helps that last week. Today was your last dose. They'll do a repeat echo in about a month to see how everything looks. Yay for a great echo, yay for sitting up, yay for a solid nights sleep, and yay for lower oxygen today!!!!

Oh how I love you!


  1. You are too stinkin cute Mr. Caleb. Sleep tight buddy boy.

  2. What a great day Caleb had! That makes my heart happy. I love seeing him sitting up and getting to do things with his mom and dad, things that are interesting and stimulating, and just plain fun!
