Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rough few days

You've had a hard few days sweet boy of mine. Well, harder than usual. Your lung is having a harder time inflating and you needed 100 percent oxygen a few times and through most of the night. Your nose keeps bleeding from those prongs and you are needing meds to calm you down quite a bit. It's so hard to see you upset. My mother heart might burst. The doctor called this morning and said they are going to re intubate you. They're going to put a tube in with a cuff so you're air leak won't be as extensive. Daddy and I feel like this is the best for you and are so proud of you for fighting so hard on CPAP. You are one tough boy and we want what is best for you. Whatever route that is. 

This was how you were sleeping yesterday when I came to see you...

I will miss seeing your lips and chubby cheeks, hearing you sneeze and cough. But now I get to see your hair and jowels again. I'd better go so I can get to the hospital and see you. We are praying for you sweet boy. 

Couldn't be prouder.

P.S. Let's hope I don't get pulled over and yelled at during rush hour. 


  1. Watching Caleb this morning...being able to see his hair? - Gosh, he looks like Zeb so much. Prayers continue, sweetheart. My boys pray for him in family prayer every night. XO.

  2. Hey, we all know sometimes we have to take a few steps backwards in order to move 10 steps ahead. He's such an amazing little person. I'm proud of you all!

  3. He reminds me so much of Ethan in these pictures. I've loved seeing his handsome face! He's so sweet, and I want to hold him so so so much. He's doing so well. Love you guys!
