Saturday, February 15, 2014

Big boy!

Your primary nurse Shannon started sitting you up in the boppy and it's the cutest thing ever. She started doing it this week and dad immediately sent me a text to look at the webcam. This is what I saw

You look like such a big boy! I showed the girls pictures and they ate it up. Shannon said anyone that came into the NICU just fussed over how cute you were. 

Last night you were 6 pounds 9 ounces and tonight you're at 6 pounds 10 ounces. Your oxygen stayed in the 50s yesterday and is at 52 right now! Baby steps!! 

A photographer came today to take your pics and I'm sooooo excited to see them. I'll tell you all about that story tomorrow. It's late. Sleep tight. 
Sure do love you little mister. 



  1. He looks so big! I love the updates!

  2. Seriously love that boy and his Mama soooooo sooo much. He is just he cutest in his boppy.... we watched him ALL morning. Thrilled to hear he is in the 50's. One day at a time and lots and lots and lots of prayers for him every single day. Can't wait to hear about the photographer. SO excited. xoxoxox

  3. He's so adorable in the boppy…such a big boy! Last night I had a dream that I got to hold him. It was awesome! Baby steps, buddy!
