Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 4 on CPAP

Well little mister you are on day 4 of CPAP and are fighting your hardest. Your right lung looked better today. Still needs improvement but it's not nearly as closed as it was yesterday. Hopefully the alveoli will be able to inflate better and you'll be able to breathe better. Switching positions and a different respiratory treatment may help us accomplish this. 

When I came to see you today you were at the beginning of a very big fit. It is absolutely heart breaking to see you so uncomfortable, so sad, and not be able to make it better. The nurse had already given you medicine to try and calm you. You were so upset that the nurse said "maybe if you hold him it will calm him down." I held you next to the bed so they didn't have to unhook your tubing. After trying things that I could think of I noticed I could hear air in your tummy. I asked dad if he could hear it and he mentioned that the CPAP puts a lot of air in there. The nurse realized she hadn't let the tube open to vent the air out so it was getting trapped. You get milk over 3 hours and then they let the air vent for an hour. So she opened it and we could hear air come out. After about 5 minutes you were asleep in my arms. The doctor changed the feeding orders to milk over 2 hours and then venting for 2. Maybe that will help. When I got there your o's were 67 and at 4:00 they were 80. After I left they put you on your tummy and were able to get you back down to 72. You are just working so hard, little fighter. I love you so much. 

Your eyes and nose are so swollen today. When you were crying so hard it looked like your eyelids were going to pop. It was just so sad. You're so hoarse from having been intubated for 10 weeks that I can't hear you cry yet. I can't tell what it sounds like. Bless your heart, sweet boy. 
I love that you love to sleep with your legs crossed. It's pretty much adorable. Early this morning you were all wrapped up and Auntie Angie told me to look at you on the web cam, she said you looked like the cutest little mummy. If it were Halloween I think you'd be the cutest scuba diving mummy on the planet.
I adore you, little champion of mine. 

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