Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Your Special Day

The day the girls got to meet you was so precious and sweet. I realize now that with the camera so close to you and the girls far back you look like a giant baby out of, 
"Honey, I blew up the kid." (Little 90's flashback) 
But you're still stinking cute. I adore the rolls you have on your chest here. You're on your left side because you right lung was collapsing a little. It's pretty much the cutest.

You have 5 mothers who love you to the moon and back.

And one amazing daddy that loves you like crazy.

Audrey was beaming.

Julia grinned for a solid 10 minutes.

Hallie quietly took everything in and couldn't take her eyes off you.

Claire was captivated and didn't leave your side.

After they each got to meet you, we got you dressed in your handsome church clothes.

Then daddy and the bishop blessed you. It was extremely special to be together as family and witness your baby blessing. It is evident that the love we have (and so many others) is immeasurable. Your Heavenly Father and our Savior love you too, Caleb. We are so blessed to have you in our family. 

I am still in awe that the girls were able to be there. That with flu season in full swing they were allowed to meet you. What a truly special day.



  1. I love everything about this post!

  2. Love! They are so cute...I'm so excited to see you all together. It's beautiful!!!

  3. Yep. Tears...I can't help it. This is too sweet for words. Thinking of you always!
