Monday, March 3, 2014


The girls were beyond excited to meet you. Audrey told me just before we left to the hospital, "I feel like I'm dreaming!" Hallie told me she couldn't believe she got to meet you. They couldn't wait to get to the hospital. Unfortunately the drive to the hospital took extra long since there was an ice storm. We got there safely and we "scrubbed in." Julia said, "I'm nervous I'm going to wake up my baby brother." I assured her it would be okay if she did. 

Your sisters asked for a baby brother over and over starting this time a year ago. A few months before I was pregnant Claire said, "Mom, I need a baby brother and dad needs a son." At church one day Audrey said, "mom. I want you to get pregnant and have a boy." Hallie begged sooooo many times for a brother when I was already pregnant with you but no one knew. The day we found out you'd be joining our family, that they would have a baby brother, they jumped up and down and squealed again and again. After months of begging for a brother, months of uncertainty while I was on bedrest, and after the first 84 days of your life your sisters got to meet you. 
They oohed and aahed over and over. They loved your toes and fingers. Loved your cheeks and hair. They adore you and were finally able to see you face to face. Claire told me that you're even cuter in person. Hallie couldn't believe how little you actually were. Audrey was memorized and Julia couldn't stop smiling. It was a beautiful moment. One of my most treasured memories. 
I have lots of pictures on the computer that I'll post tomorrow. But until then I wanted to tell you how much the girls love you and how thrilled they were to finally meet you. 

You are so loved, sweet boy. 

P.S. After we got home last night we called to check on you and your oxygen was at 100 percent on the ventilator. Last night was extremely difficult. We didn't sleep much. Thankfully you were able to come down a little on your oxygen. The doctors are running some tests to see if you have an infection since you have lots of gunk in your lungs and they are so hazy right now. They gave you a few new medicines that will hopefully help as well. We are so grateful the girls got to meet you. Sure do love you, Caleb. More than we can say. 


  1. I've been waiting and waiting for this post. As Cora would say, my heart has been longing! Hahaha... I'm so happy they got to meet him! It's so exciting :). He looks so cute in his little trousers and white shirt. I love it!!! I can't wait to see more pictures…Praying that his oxygen needs go down. Love you guys!

  2. Oh I'm so glad that you still got to go! Audrey told me about it at church--she was so excited.
