Wednesday, March 5, 2014


You've been going up on oxygen even on the vent and went to 100 the night you were blessed. The nurses and respiratory therapists have been getting a lot of gunk out of your lungs. 
This is how much they got in 4 days. 

Over the weekend Aunt Amanda had asked if you might have an infection and when I asked the doctor he said your blood tests were all normal and your temperature was fine. But after 4 days of the gunk and the 100 percent oxygen Amanda was thinking a lot about things. She had an "aha moment" when she remembered that steroids can suppress the immune response in your blood. She suggested they do a culture of the secretions. I talked to the doc and he agreed to do a culture. (I am so grateful my sister is a NICU nurse!!!) When I talked to the pulmonologist he had already ordered the test and thought there may be an underlying issue...the other doc just hadn't seen the order yet. So after growing for two days, the culture showed you have bacteria in your lungs that came from your stomach. You have an infection from aspirating milk or stomach acid into your lungs which gave you aspiration pneumonia. We need to find out if it's a one time aspiration or if you are repeatedly aspirating silently into your lungs. Normally they do a swallow test but you can't because you have the ET tube. So I'm going to talk to the pulmonologist tomorrow to talk through things. In the meantime you're on an IV antibiotic and an acid blocker to help with the reflux. I'm grateful there is something we can do. Grateful there is an answer as to why you have been getting sicker, although we don't know how this plays into things. We aren't sure what long term is yet. 

Little buddy, your mamma has been given a tremendous amount of added strength this week. I am so grateful for the prayers offered on behalf of our family and for so many people that love and serve us. I feel such a renewed sense of strength that can only come from the Lord. I know you don't feel good and I am sure grateful you sleep a lot. That is such a relief. 

You're up to 7 pounds 14 ounces buddy! Atta boy! I can't get over your cute chubbiness. I got to hold you today and shower you with kisses. Loved every second. 

Sure do love you. 

P.S. Guess what?? A friend brought me 3 extra sets of pump parts so I have 5 now.  I'll only have to wash once a day instead of 3 times!!! This is soooo awesome. I'm stoked, and grateful. Yessssss


  1. How much do I love that little guy??? THIS MUCH! He looks like he is feeling some better tonight, which makes me so happy. I love to watch him. I am so glad we know now what has been going on with Caleb, and are on the way to making it better. I love knowing that Amanda is watching out for Caleb, and that her mind and spirit are so vigilant and in tune. I love that he is getting such good care in the NICU, and that so many people love him! He really is a rock star (and I mean that in the best possible sense!) Oh, and I adored Sunday's family picture!!!

  2. Yay for Amanda! She's my new hero :)!!! I can't get enough of his chunky legs. I love them and I just want to squeeze him!

  3. Haha extra pumping parts!!! I totally feel ya girl! I'm so glad that you are getting some answers, and Lord willing the doctors will know exactly what to do! We love you guys!! Praying always


  4. We watch him every day and night. Prayers do work and people from afar with the gift of understanding and education are the blessings we all seek for Caleb so he can continue his journey Amanda is wonderful God bless you and Caleb

  5. Thank goodness for Auntie Amanda!!! I'm so glad you have an answer and he can now work on getting over the infection and have some relief! He is seriously the cutest guy!!

  6. Praying for sweet Caleb and your family...for that extra grace and healing. He's special to me. Linda aka Cara's mom
