Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Well my sweet boy, it looks like we have more waiting. I feel as though we have been waiting for months and months and months, well because we have, since I first started bleeding last September. We got your echo results yesterday and your pulmonary hypertension was a bit high since we stopped your meds for it. So the doc put you back on the medicine and we will do another echo next week. Looks like when you're ready for surgery you may have to do it while on the meds. That's unnerving since your heart needs to get you through the trauma of surgery.  Today your oxygen had a setback and you went up to 80 percent. Because of that the doctor increased your steroids again. We were weaning them down to try and prepare for surgery. Right now we don't know when surgery will happen. 

I feel like I'm climbing an emotional Mount Everest. The mountain continues to require more of me, needing me to climb past the point of exhaustion. Instead of plateaus and opportunities to cruise for a short while, my breaks feel more like I'm hanging on the side of the mountain. It still takes incredible strength to hang on, but I get a "break" from going up. That said, the breaks don't really feel like breaks. 

I sang, "I am a child of God," to you when I was next to your crib. I realized in the third verse it says 
I am a child of God, 
rich blessings are in store
If I but learn to do his will
I'll live with him once more
Lead me, guide me, 
Walk beside me 
help me find the way 
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday 

I am trying my very hardest to learn to do heavenly father's will. On my way home from the hospital I sobbed. I sobbed until my head was tingling. I had time because the freeway was closed. If only 2 hours in traffic were the tough part of my day. 

With the uncertainty of when the surgery can happen (the surgery you need to slowly get better) that you are too sick to have, I feel like we are stuck between two boulders. Boulders so high I can't even see anything but the hard rock. Although I don't know how we will get through this,  somehow we will. Heavenly Father is mindful of us. He knows what is best for each of us. So I will continue to trust in Him. 

I'm late pumping so I'd better go. 
I love you, baby boy. 
So much.  
You are worth this climb, Caleb. Never ever doubt that.



  1. Your love and faith shine through in everything you say, Leah. We will get through this together and support that precious boy with everything we've got. At church Sunday we were singing one of my favorite hymns, and these words spoke right to my heart:
    Praise to the Lord! Over all things he gloriously reigneth.
    Borne as on eagle wings, safely his Saints he sustaineth.
    Hast thou not seen
    How all thou needest hath been
    Granted in what he ordaineth?
    Heavenly Father has blessed Caleb, and continues to bless him. He chose a wonderful mom and dad and sisters for Caleb, and an extended family that adores him. We are praying that Caleb will continue to have what he needs, that all things will work together for his good, and that you will continue to be strengthened on your climb... and what an amazing climb it is. I love you so very much and am so proud of you.

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. Big hugs, Leah and fam...

  3. Leah, I didn't realize. What a heart wrench. I'm sorry you are struggling, but your faith is truly inspiring. My prayers and heart are with you my old friend.
