Saturday, March 8, 2014

Your size

I think it's hard for people to visualize how big/small you are. When I take pictures you fill the lens so it's hard to get an idea of your actual size. The steroids also give you amazingly large cheeks and chins so it makes you seem bigger than you are too. Here is a picture of daddy holding you which helps us see your size better. There's no way around your cuteness and's there no matter what picture I take! 
Here is your growth chart. You were in the 75th percentile when you were born and are in the 25th percentile now. 
Today you broke the 8 pound mark! You're 8 pounds 1 ounce. 

The nurse said you were awake a lot more this morning which tells me you're feeling somewhat better. Dad and I both got to hold you today. I love holding you, more than you'll ever know. 

I hope you sleep well tonight, sweet boy. 
Love you to the moon and back. 

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