Friday, November 1, 2013

Game Night!

Last week before I got transferred the girls had game night at the hospital with me and then Angie took the girls home for a sleepover. We plaid old maid and Angie introduced us to a new game called "wig out" that the girls just love. They seriously laughed their heads off. 

Zeb went home and got on his bike which was probably therapeutic. Feels good to get things out through exercise. Anyway here are pictures from the fabulously fun night. 

Auntie Angie gave the girls Halloween socks that night they were pretty stoked about. 

I realized yesterday that I didn't get one picture with my sister. Not one. I'm so bummed. Honestly the week she was here was such a roller coaster and I am so grateful she was here. 
So much went on with fluid levels, the girls, and the transfer. Such a blessing she was here through all of that. I wish I had a picture to post of us on my phone but they are on my computer at home.:(
I did find one of her shaving my legs (she is awesome and boy did I need some trimming) so naturally I have to post it!

Today has been good. 
I had visitors this morning which always brightens my day. Then Zeb surprised me for lunch which was a nice treat! My family in Utah FaceTime me a lot which is great. It makes the day go by so fast. Yesterday I was on the phone most of the day. I had the same nurse today and when she came to check on me she said. "You're note on the phone!" It was pretty funny. I love all the visits, texts, and calls. And honestly the reason I don't post my visitors and surprises is because the last thing I want is to accidentally forget someone that did something for me. But I am grateful for every single one of you. I hope you know that.
Caleb looked great when they monitored me this morning. 
Minimal leaking during the night which was nice to not have amniotic fluid dreams. :)
He had the hiccups during my ultrasound yesterday which was so cute.
The girls are going to come see me tomorrow so that will be fun. 

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween and has a great weekend!
One day at a time! 


  1. Yay for fun game night!! Wish I was still there having another one tonight. SO LAME we have no pictures together. It was such a crazy week I don't think I ever thought of it! As you know, that is way unlike me... must have been some week! :) So happy and grateful I was able to come... just wish it didn"t go so fast. Saying goodbye was THE WORST! I am thrilled you are still pregnant and Caleb looks good. Awesome. Praying for you all the time! Love you more than I can say! xoxoxox Ang

  2. Almost made it through one more week!! That is awesome.
