Thursday, November 21, 2013

Better than 1!

I had my ultrasound today. Caleb is still breech. Fluid was 2.4, which is better than 1. We'll take it!!! He was moving like crazy during the ultrasound so it was hard for the MFM doctor to see if he has started using his lungs. Typically babies start using their lungs at 28 weeks but pPROM babies typically start around 26. You can tell if they are using their lungs by watching the diaphragm. If it moves it means the baby is using his/her lungs. Caleb was so active that his entire body was moving. He is such a mover. He thinks he saw it move some. 
Then during monitoring he had the hiccups. He is too funny. 

That's the story for today. Not much going on which is good. Quiet and boring is good. :) 
Grateful that we have so many dear friends helping so that our girls aren't bored and sad. 

Another day down.

1 comment:

  1. Julia is the best poser ever! Those girls are so cute. I love your friends and neighbors in Rockwall. I want to send everyone of them a thank you card! I am so grateful for people who step up and help! I love them...
