Saturday, November 2, 2013

Unforeseen Blessings

Over the past 6 months there have been so many blessings that have come about that we were not able to foresee at the time decisions were made. I am so grateful for these blessings and the small miracles they are in our lives. The Lord is very aware of each of us. 

1. Back in March when Zeb switched jobs we had to pick a new insurance plan. At the time we weren't planning on having more kids so maternity coverage wasn't necessary. We had several options and had to weigh the different plans. Initially we thought if we picked a lower premium and higher deductibles that in the long run we would save money. We really hadn't needed much medical help besides just sick visits and well visits for the kids. But for the first time we had the option to have a very low deductible, paying a little more in premiums. We decided to go with lowest deductible and at the end of the year compare what we paid in premiums, deductibles, and visits to the other plan we were considering.
We had no idea that a few short months later we would feel so strongly that there was another baby that was part of our family. One of the biggest blessings was that the insurance we picked happened to have full maternity coverage. My past 4 pregnancies were just regular uncomplicated pregnancies. Carried all the babies to term, 2 past term. No bed rest. No bleeding. Nothing. We picked the absolute best insurance plan without a clue I would get pregnant again and we have the lowest deductibles and coverage for this time and future time in the hospital. Blessings that were so unforeseen. 

2. In the spring we talked as a family about the idea of not enrolling the girls in extracurricular activities this fall and spending more time as a family. With Zeb getting home between 6:30 and 7:00 we thought if the girls weren't involved in sports and dance this year, we could do projects as a family and redecorate their rooms together. The girls loved the idea of redecorating and spending time as a family and jumped for it. Again with no clue we would have another baby, no clue that there would be so many complications. With all the shuffling and making sure the girls are taken care of we didn't have to pull them from their activities or try and shuffle more to get them where they needed to be. Their afternoons/evenings/weekends are free which is a big deal. It may seem small but that was such an unforeseen blessing.

3. When Doctor Gillean put me on bed reset because of the sub chorionic hemorrhage it was as a precaution. Although it is a risk for the hemorrhage to weaken the amniotic sac and cause a PROM it's is very uncommon. But she wanted to be on the safe side and I am so grateful for that. If I hadn't been on bed rest when my water broke I would have had a whole wave of guilt and emotions. But I was following her orders and resting. Mothers guilt is hard. I'm so glad that I was able to bypass that. Such an unforeseen blessing to be on bed rest when they ruptured. 

4. After my water broke and started rebuilding my levels were in the totally normal range. The neonatologist here thinks that the tear sealed and then re ruptured. My mom was researching amniotic fluid levels and lung development and fluid is most critical up to 22-23 weeks. That's when my fluid built back up. Although we don't know how his lungs will function until he is born, I do know that to have the fluid during a critical time in Caleb's lung development was a huge unforeseen blessing.

5. An unexlected blessing came a few days after my water broke. I was alerted about cheap fares to Utah on my phone, I had put a fair watch on my phone since I wanted Zeb to take a guys trip to see friends and family. I was hoping bed rest would be lifted and he could get a break. When the alert come up I switched the flight to Dallas instead of Utah and thought, "No way will there be this good of a deal." Angie's family has had multiple surgeries this year and an expensive ticket would have been really difficult. Sure enough we were able to find tickets for the cheapest nonstop flight I have ever seen since we moved to Texas. We booked the flight for Angie to come for Audrey's birthday having no idea at that point that a transfer could happen at 23 weeks. Transfers rarely happen at 23. But the unforeseen blessing was that Angie was able to be here when my fluid levels were at their lowest and help during the transfer. Such huge blessings. 

6. Originally we wanted to go to Baylor since it would be so close to Zeb's office, we had heard great things about their NICU, and they took transfers earliest at 23 weeks. We were so excited at the thought of Baylor. I prayed that we would be able to be transferred where we needed to be. I was a little discouraged that they were full monday morning and really discouraged about my fluid levels after the unltrasound. But to our surprise Dr. Gillean was able to secure a transfer to Presbyterian Dallas! They typically don't take transfers 23 weeks so she must have been very persistent and convincing. The unforeseen blessing didn't occur until after I'd been here for a few hours. When Zeb got here they went over some insurance information and we found out for the first time that Presbyterian Dallas has rooms for mothers to stay in if your baby is in the NICU!!! They don't have that at Baylor. We are so excited! Just to have to option to stay here some nights, especially if there are rough weeks once he's born is such a blessing. 

I am so grateful for The Lord's hand in our lives. There are so many blessings that we just don't know yet. No matter what we face The Lord in mindful of us. He knows what we need better than we do. Our trust and will is hard to give to Him. But I know He will take care of us no matter what. 



  1. Isn't it amazing how things work out? I suppose it's not all that amazing but a good reminder that He is in charge. Just keep swimming, you two Fish!

  2. Such a sweet post. Loved it! I know you are being watched out for. Oh, and how about the frosty and fries for both of us (niether of us would have had lunch) and your two friends that showed up and packed your hospital room and loaded it into the car once we were on our way in the ambulance! They showed up just at the right time! Huge blessing! I seriously LOVE you. Love Caleb. So thankful I was there at such a critical week. The Lord loves us and knows us. I felt him give me strength beyond my own the week I was in Dallas. Love you! xoxo

  3. Your posts always bring me to tears! The Lord truly does bless us in the details. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!

  4. It is truly remarkable how The Lord is in ultimate control and how much he loves, blesses us, and watches out for us! Thank you for sharing all of the ways Heavenly Father has blessed your family! You are in our prayers.
