Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Here I Am!

This is me....
After going to the bathroom in a bedpan for over 4 weeks
Almost two weeks without my hair washed
Over 4 weeks without a normal shower
Finally sporting a baby bump!!!

I have started getting up to use the bathroom. It feels like my feet are completely numb when I walk. My calves are on fire by the time I'm back at the bed even though it's only a total of about 15 steps to the bathroom and back. It crazy how weak you get after not standing or walking for so long. Everything is worth it. Without question. I'll be getting up to use the bathroom and shower from now on. I'm working towards doing it without assistance and working my strength up to shower. I probably didn't appreciate showers as much as I should have before. In a few days, when I have my first one in a long time, it will feel pretty awesome. 

Here is what my legs look like after not using them for a month...

I can't believe the muscle atrophy. 

Here are the nifty contraptions I've been wearing 24/7 to prevent blood clots:

Here is what helps me use the back of my lungs:

And there you have it! 
I'm grateful for the advances in medicine to bring us to where we are today. I'm grateful for nurses and doctors and the opportunity I have to be taken care of instead of worrying at home with my situation.
I was doing some research and found that pPROM (preterm premature rupture of membranes) only happens in 2-3 percent of all pregnancies. Because it is so rare research and studies haven't been done to show things you should do and related outcomes. Cases and outcomes are so different that you just wait and see what will happen. I try and listen to my feelings as I make decisions about my care. I'm grateful for the guidance and direction I receive. 

Zeb came to the hospital and had lunch with me today. I wish I would have taken his picture. He always looks so handsome in his nice clothes. It was so nice to have a luch date with him. The girls are about to get home from school and then I'll get to FaceTime them. 

Another day down!


  1. Leah you look great. I love reading your blog. You are so amazing and it is wonderful to read about all the ways that you are being blessed! Keep up the good work. Atrophy is so crazy. After my knee surgery I couldn't believe how quickly my leg became skin and bones! Your kids a blessed to have such a wonderful mom.

  2. Keep it up!! You do look great too! Sheesh, I think I would have horribly wild, greasy hair! haha. I was wondering how your muscles were doing after no use for so long. No doubt you will build them back up when the time is right. Thinking of you! You are doing a great job!


  3. Seriously love you! Your skinny little legs are amazing! I am thankful your strong and young and fit and will have them back in no time! So happy to see a baby bumb!!! And your picture is adorable. I love it. You look 19. :) So thrilled you are 24 weeks and going strong. We pray for you and Caleb in every prayer! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  4. I agree with Angie…you look like you did when you and Zebby got married :)! I can't imagine how good it felt to wash your hair and shower! I look forward to reading this every day - just so I can feel comforted that you are doing so well. Love you!

  5. I read your blog every day. I also can not believe how great you look after not washing your hair for 2 weeks. I look like the after meth pictures if I did that. I would love to come visit you with you are up for visitors sans any kids.

  6. Leah, I'm keeping track of you! Way to go girl. I love reading about the family, your progress and all the blessings. Keep up the fluid. You are all in my prayers.
    Aunt Leti

  7. Lookin good, momma! Keep it up, you are in our prayers! As far as research and real live experiences for this etc, I just checked and there are a few pprom groups on fb (you might already know about it), but I had joined a placenta previa group and it really gave me tons of info and the girls on there helped answer a lot of my questions. Anyway, hope that helps! You are doing great! Your good attitude is inspiring :)
