Sunday, November 3, 2013

The little things

Before I go to bed tonight I can't help but type this post to remind myself of the little things. Zeb came to see me with the girls and I was so excited to see them. Claire asked if we could do family home evening tonight since I'm not home. (We set aside Monday evenings to spend with each other doing activities or talking about values and principles of our faith). So she gave a lesson based from what she learned at church today. She is growing up and maturing so fast. I love seeing her blossom. We sang songs and prayed just like we do when I am home. It felt so good to be together doing things we normally do.  During the lesson Caleb was very active and Hallie put her hand on my tummy and got to feel his nudges and kicks several times. I loved the look on her face when she felt him over and over. Each baby is such a miracle.

After we had the lesson I read books to the girls. Something I used to do before but haven't had the opportunity to much in the last month. I loved it. My girls snuggled next to me, just being together. Audrey read one to me and I loved hearing her read. She is getting to be such a great reader. Something that was so routine a month ago but that was such a joy to be able to do now. 

After spending time with the girls I told them to watch a show and let mom and dad talk for a little bit. Zeb sat by me on the bed and we just held hands and talked. It was such a beautiful moment. Having my family there with me. I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude for them and the blessings they are to me. My amazing and supportive husband. My beautiful and sweet children. All five of them. Moments that were so normal last month are now intensely cherished. I needed to write this moment down to remember it. Each day we live is a gift. Each day we have blessings. Each day there is a moment to treasure. I'm grateful to see these moments. Grateful for the strength I have received beyond my own during this time in the hospital. 

I can't believe it's been a month since I have been in the hospital. My heart is full of gratitude each day I am still pregnant. My 13 year old nephew said it so well when he was praying for our family, "Please bless Caleb to be born at the right time." I can honestly say that I know there is power in prayer. There are so many people praying for us and those prayers are being answered. We are being carried through this trial and given strength. We appreciate every prayer offered on our behalf. 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful expression of life's goodness. There are so, so many things to be thankful for. I love reading your blog, hearing your thoughts, and feeling what you are feeling. It brings me very close to you, and I treasure that. I love you and Zeb, and the girls and Caleb! Mom
