Monday, November 18, 2013

26 Weeks Today!

Made it to 26 weeks. Super excited about that. I can't believe it's been 6 weeks in the hospital. I had my sonogram this morning. My fluid was 1cm. I have been leaking a lot more lately. Caleb is breech again so that explains quite a bit. He seriously moves a ton. Every three days he is in a different position. Zeb says maybe when he's older we should put him in gymnastics. They measured him at the appointment and he is measuring about 1 pound 11 ounces. His week measurement is 25w2days. When he was measuring bigger the doctors didn't seem like that mattered and now that he is measuring a bit smaller on the chart they don't seem to weigh it as heavily as you or I would. I am finding that because the measuring can be plus or minus a week or two just like the weight can be plus or minus as well, the doctors don't react much to what the measuring shows. They track his growth and are satisfied as long as he is growing.

The specialist talked to me a lot about steroids and when he recommends getting the second dose. He is the 4th MFM doctor I have seen so far. The first week I was here I saw 5 different OB's. I see a total of 11 different doctors. Each doctor seems to have a varying option and would do x, whereas another doctor would do y. Sometimes the information they give us contradicts what the other doctor said. It's very difficult to make decisions and then have the next on call doctor come in and tell us he or she wants to do things differently. They have different opinions on when to give the second dose of steroids, whether or not I should be getting out of bed to use the bathroom, among other things. I try to listen to how I feel and make the best informed decision. Things aren't black and white, even when your baby reaches viability.  I had no idea decisions would be so tough. But at least we are able to make decisions, to be a part of the care for our baby. The fact that I'm still pregnant is huge and allows us the opportunity to answer these questions for us. If I had delivered when my water broke we wouldn't even be able to be asked these questions. 

When people text me and ask how I'm doing I always respond by saying I'm hanging in there. Our family is hanging in there. Each one of us is trying our hardest to endure this trial. When Zeb was here last week I asked him what he wanted for Chrsitmas he said, "I don't need anything." To which I replied, "That's why I asked you want you wanted not what you needed." He paused and then said "What I really want for Chrsitmas is for my wife to be home with us, sealed over and still pregnant." I didn't even know what to say but I thought boy would that be awesome. Then yesterday I asked the girls what they wanted from Santa and Hallie couldn't think of anything she really wanted. But then she responded, "What I want the most is for my baby brother to be okay and healthy." I teared up and told her that would be the best Christmas gift ever. 

Here is a picture of Caleb's face. He kind of looks like a little man in the picture. It's obviously enlarged so it makes it seem like his face is really big but obviously it's not. And there is a lot of smooshing going on since the placenta presses in on him. Use your imaginations. :) He sure is a little fighter.

We made it to 26 weeks, one day at a time! 



  1. we are still sending prayers your way every prayer we do every day. Reeve's personal prayers are so cute because he always says please please julia's mom and julia's wittle brother. thanks of updating so often. I think a lot of people get on her to check on you. I know I do and I am so thrilled that you have made it to 26 weeks!!

  2. 26 weeks, woot woot! And he's not the only fighter in the family, Leah. you went to L&D and back like a BOSS! Just keep...laying there. :) Your family is strong too and in a few short months life will be back to normal and it will seem like all of this is just a bad dream, except you got a new baby out of it. And from the looks of his picture, a handsome one at that!

  3. Love reading your posts. Love even more that you have made it to 26 weeks!!! Your hair looks great too :) What a wonderful surprise. Must have felt wonderful. Decision making with so many different doctor opinions sounds hard. You guys are doing great and really are "hanging in there" quite well. Our family is excited tomorrow is "Fish Day" at our house. That's how we say it. Praying for you every day.

  4. The Christmas wishes made me teary-eyed. I love the updates. I wish we could have a "Fish Day" even though your girls have no idea who I am. And how could I get 9 kids (my 5 plus your 4) in my car?

  5. 26!!!! That's awesome! Keep up the great work! :)

  6. Woohoo to 26 weeks!! Seriously, you are doing such a great job keeping him in there!! I know you all wish you could be back home, but just think how sweet it will be and how grateful everyone will be once you are back!

    Oh and those flip flop babies are trouble! Eli was breech until the 40th week, turning when he was good and ready to do it on his own time. Boy, nothing has changed much with that personality out of the womb either! haha.

    Anyway, thinking of you always and keep up the GREAT work!


  7. Every day that I don't hear that you've had him is a relief and a blessing. I'm praying that he'll just hang in for a little longer every day. Looks like the girls had a great weekend. Love that they got to see a friend! I miss those guys, you, the girls, Zebby! I wish I could be there to help all the time.
