Sunday, December 29, 2013

Weekend happenings...

Saturday morning Zeb was able to hold Caleb for the first time. He got to hold him for over an hour. Caleb tolerated it well but if Zeb started to rub his back his oxygen saturation would go down. It was just too much stimulation to have additional touch. Leah had a sore throat and didn't want to expose Caleb to any germs so she was at home. Again, the web cam was a blessing and she was able to watch Zeb hold Caleb. Many family members got to watch, too. We loved it!

Today's update from Zeb:
Caleb appears to be getting a bit more comfortable with the conventional ventilator. His settings haven't improved a lot but they aren't fiddling with the settings either. Hopefully that means he'll start making some progress on this ventilator in the coming days. The doctor did say that his settings are pretty high for this ventilator so if any problems develop he would likely go back to the high frequency ventilator. So we'll keep our fingers crossed for continued stability and small improvements. He's getting more milk each day and that appears to be helping. He may be off his IV as soon as late this week. If that happens then the only tubes left will be his tubes for eating and breathing. Leah and I are very grateful for all of your thoughts and prayers. We have a long road ahead of us and appreciate your continued support.

My 7 years old just came into my room and announced that her New years resolution is to see every picture that is posted of Caleb. Pretty stinking cute!

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