Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 11

Caleb is making good progress. They weaned him from the nitric last night and he hasn't needed it since. His oxygen is now hovering between 30 and 35%. The small rise was anticipated since he came off the nitric. The nurse just lowered the pressure on the ventilator from 13 to 12 and kept all the other dials the same. The arterial line that went into his umbilical cord needed to be removed so they put a line into the artery on his left arm by his wrist. The X-rays are looking better but there was a small collapse in the upper lobe of his right lung so the doctors will be watching that closely. All in all he is progressing well. We're hoping that he can be moved to a conventional ventilator soon.

Three posts in one day... I'm on a roll. Love these pictures! Love them.
Any now a little song for Caleb...
Another day stronger and wiser too.... Happy 11th day to you!
Auntie Ang

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