Thursday, December 5, 2013


Started off the day with a visitor which is always nice. So grateful when I see friends. I had 3 visitors yesterday...SPOILED! I got a foot rub,  my hair washed and styled, and some mini Christmas trees for my room. So fun. Oh and last night I got to see Zeb after work. A friend kept the girls late so Zeb could come see me. It was wonderful. Such a great day yesterday...okay back to today...

After my visit this morning I went for my sonogram. It started off rocky. The tech told me she couldn't find any fluid. I felt the worry start to creep in and thoughts of discouragement. But I told myself to wait for the doctor before I reacted. So I did just that and he measured 2.2. That was a relief. If I don't have any fluid things just get more complicated. It means there's less of a chance for Caleb to develop his lungs, it means movement is even more difficult etc. I'm grateful he has some fluid and a chance to develop his lungs. 

I talked to the specialist and he seemed hopeful that he has had enough fluid for lung development. It was nice to have some optimism in a doctor. Although I make my own. :) Caleb is still breech and the likelihood of a c section high. To be honest I'm kind of terrified of one, I have no idea why. I know lots of people that have had c sections!!! If it happens oh well. I know it will be okay. Just an irrational fear.

Lots of people have been asking about how long I will be able to carry the baby. The protocol with ruptured membranes is to take the baby at 34 weeks if the mother makes it that far. So for me that is January 13th, 5 weeks from Monday. I would love to make it that far but I am honestly just grateful for each day. 

Zeb is taking the girls to his firm Christmas party tonight. I am so excited for them to go. In fact they are there right now. Santa is at the party and gives each of the children a small gift. How fun is that? I am thrilled they got to go. Can't wait to hear about it and see pics. I'll of course post some when I get them. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. 

Another day down.

P.S. I started getting up to use the bathroom Monday. Once or twice a day for a few days and then I'll add another trip and so on. Just working my way up slowly. Eventually I'll start showering. It's been nice to get up. My calves have never felt like this before. They are balled and cramping so bad by the time I get back to bed. It going to take time to get my strength again but that's expected. Here is my 28 weeks preggers picture...


  1. You look beautiful, honey! I went back and found the picture of your baby bump at 24 weeks and 1 day, and it's evident that Caleb has grown a lot since then. You always have looked adorable pregnant. Funny, but I think your glasses look even cuter when you're looking straight at me! Mom

  2. Looking good! I like the that there is hope for his lungs. I'm so glad he has fluid. Don't worry about the c-section. I know I didn't have one, but my recovery was similar, and it wasn't bad at all. You can do it!

  3. You look so darling! we continually pray for you! Love you!

  4. hi miss Fish this is Sandra from Presbyterian Rockwall I got your blog stuff from Lisa Johnson one of your nurses. I took care of you briefly but I love reading on your progress. I love this picture cuz you finally look pregnant. Keep your spirits up and don't give up.
