Wednesday, December 18, 2013

6 days old...

All in all today was a pretty good day. We had a little set back but we didn't lose all of the gains we made yesterday. This morning Caleb had a pneumothorax over the left lung so they had to do another chest tube. Once the tube was in it cleared up quickly and his second X-Ray showed that no air had re accumulated. He maintained his oxygen setting at 50% for an hour or two but ended up going to 59% and maintaining that level through the day. Given that he was at 78% two days ago I would say 59% is a pretty good place to be.

The girls were able to face time with Caleb this afternoon.They loved it and he even opened his eyes for a minute! It was adorable.

Zeb gave him the stuffed animal the girls picked out for him to keep in his crib. They got to watch how they feed him through the syringe into the feeding tube. The timing on the phone call was perfect. I think Caleb loved his giraffe.

Thank you for your love and prayers. Caleb still needs them! (So does their whole family!)
I have some neat things to share that have happened... but I am ready for bed so I'll try and do that tomorrow.



  1. That first picture with his eyes open, talking to Julia is so precious! He really is adorable.

    Though he has setbacks, overall he is making really good progress, especially considering he is only 5 days old!

  2. I LOVE the FaceTime photos.
    Thanks for the updates.

  3. I agree with what Karin said. :)

  4. Sweet little guy. Prayers still coming his way :).
