Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Heavenly View

Another song on your video is "A Sky Full of Stars." It's one of dad's favorites and the words relate to our situation so beautifully. 

'Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do
'Cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you
'Cause you're a sky, cause you're a sky full of stars
I want to die in your arms, arms
'Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
I'm going to give you my heart
And I don't care, go on and tear me apart
And I don't care if you do
'Cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars
I think I see you
I think I see you
Because you're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view

From the time you were just hours old and you had your eyes open I adored looking into your beautiful eyes. Every time I looked at them it was as though I could see into your soul. I could see the beautiful, strong and courageous spirit you have and it was such a heavenly view. There were so many times I worried I loved you too much. Days I would cry in the closet with you in the hospital and my arms feeling so empty. I would cry and rock my arms back and forth wishing you were in them. I worried that if you went back to heaven I wouldn't be able to go on. It tore me apart in a way I have never experienced before. But I couldn't withhold any of my love for you. You were so easy to love so I just went on loving you. Deeper and Deeper with each passing day. And as I told you before, I loved you long before I became pregnant with you. I'm so glad I gave you my heart. Even though my heart aches every day without you, I wouldn't change anything. Not one thing. Heavenly Father knew I would rather love you (and take you back so soon) than never to have loved you or had you at all. You light the way back to our father in heaven. And I will live my whole life loving you, doing everything I can to make sure we are together again as a family. I am so grateful for your sisters and daddy. We are such a blessed family.

When we did the balloon release at your graveside it was so beautiful. I just know you were watching from above. I see you in everything. The sky, the stars, all things beautiful. I love you, sweet Caleb. All the way to heaven and back.



  1. Whenever A sky full of stars comes on Cohen says... It's a Caleb song. It will forever be Caleb's song to all of us. I love it and I love the words. I love your capactiy to love and express your love to Caleb. How sweet it is to be loved by you!! Heavenly Father knew Caleb would need a special Mommy. You have loved him with all of your soul from day one and given everything you had ...and then some to keep him safe and give him time to grow. I love that you would sing to him while you were on bedrest. I love the way you would look at him. Those are some of my favorite pictures of the two of you.... I take that back... pretty much every picture of you and Caleb is my favorite!! So proud of you, Leah.I love you with all that I am. I will be better every day for the rest of my life because of Caleb. And because you you and Zeb. Your faith has changed mine.

  2. How much do I love my girls? Angie said everything I was feeling, and she said it beautifully. I'm so glad you feel this way, and that you wouldn't change anything. You and Caleb have done so much to shape the way we look at life and love, and Heavenly Father's plan, and I'm so grateful to both of you.
