Monday, September 1, 2014

Broken Bow

For Labor Day we went to a cabin in Oklahoma. The Taylor's invited us and we jumped at the chance. We had such a great time spending time together doing fun things like roasting s'mores and starbursts and wakeboarding and swimming!

Getting ready to BBQ.

Cliff jumping!

Here's Hallie daring to go out of the wake!
Way to go Hallie!

Claire was rockin the wake too.
Look at her go.
Claire and Hallie had a couple good falls that they weren't too crazy about but they tried again and did awesome! They are natural wakeboarders.

The last time we went to Oklahoma Julia and Audrey were super nervous to knee board even though I was with them the whole time in the water.  Julia came a long way and decided she wanted to try to wakeboard this time!!!
She did awesome!!!
It was so cute to see Daddy giving her pep talks and explaining what to do.

Then Audrey said she would give it a shot. This was totally awesome and out of Audrey's comfort zone. She did great!

Julia was pleased as punch and wanted a picture with the wakeboard.
She is too cute. All your sisters are.
Don't forget this one...

Playing at the cabin.
Sweet sissies.

Time for messy s'mores. 

We had such a fun time. Last night when I was doing favorite things with the girls and tucking them in Audrey said, "I can't wait to see Caleb again." It was so sweet and tender and I told her I couldn't wait either. I was suddenly overcome with sadness that they don't get to see you now. It makes my heart ache that they have to wait to be with you. But oh what a reunion that will be. We won't miss out on time with you, we just have to wait longer for it. In the meantime we miss you but we know you are doing great things in heaven. 

Love you, sweet boy.



  1. Looks like y'all had a good time :)! I'm so proud of those brave girls…Audrey, I wouldn't have jumped off that cliff! I think about you guys every day and check the blog all the time! I miss you so much!!!

  2. Love the cliff jumping and wake boarding pics. They've got guts. :) I'm happy you had a fun weekend away!!
