Monday, September 8, 2014

2 Months Ago...

Today marks two months since you slipped back to heaven in my arms. Oh how I miss you, sweet boy.  I wanted to look at videos of you because I worry the memories of you will start to fade.  I love your sweet face so much. Your smile. Your eyebrows. Your dimples. Your chubby cheeks. The dimple in your knee. Your facial expressions. Your personality. And your spirit. Oh I miss your sweet courageous spirit.

I haven't posted this video before but it was taken on the day you first started smiling at me. You are so cute I just can't stand it.

Here is one of my all time favorite videos. It was when you discovered your tongue. I was holding you with your sisters surrounding you. Every time we laughed you'd stick it out again. It was the absolute best. Your sisters showered you with close to as many kisses as I did, and that says a lot.
Grieving is a tricky thing. Today has been one of the hardest days to date. Harder then the day the girls went back to school. Harder than the one month mark. Harder than so many other days. Dad and I have talked about how you never know when your day will be hard. You can't plan for it or expect it. It just comes. I love you sweet, boy. More than you could possibly know.


1 comment:

  1. He has such sweet facial expressions. I'm sorry you had such a bad day. It still tears at my heart, especially when I think of your mother's heart. You are such a good mom, and I learn so much from watching you. I treasure the time I got to spend with all of you in Texas, and I wish I was still there. I miss you all so much!
