Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Tuesday's Update

Yesterday's update from Leah:
We talked to the doctor this morning and he said Caleb's first eye exam went well. He still has premature eyes so they will repeat the exam on the 27th but nothing out of the ordinary for this first one. They are going to move Caleb to an open crib as soon as one becomes available. He gets hot in the closed crib so they have to open it a lot. It's better for him if his temperature remains constant. Hopefully he can do well in it and isn't overstimulated. Today was day two of the steroid. Maximum benefits are from days 3-5. Our hope is to be able to wean his oxygen down, if he responds well to the steroid, to get him to CPAP. The steroid isn't repeated and is a one time deal. I got to hold him today which was wonderful. Having him close to me is so amazing. It's so hard to see him every day for over a month and hardly get to touch him or connect with him. Feeling his little body snuggled close to mine is like a dream.

He has been taped and re taped so many times that he has so much residue left on his cheek. It’s so hard to get off since it’s so sticky. The tape also smashes his cheeks into jowels. I can’t wait to see what his chubbier cheeks look like. It’s been so hard to visit him and not be able to touch him. Your heart wants to touch him and hold him the whole time you’re there, yet you can’t. The moments I can are beautiful. 

Leah is beautiful inside and out. She has a heart the size of Texas. She ALWAYS has.
Love you Leah Lou. Part of my heart lives with you in Texas. You amaze me over and over.


  1. When I see his jowls, I think of Elder Holland :)…who happens to be one of my favorite people. I hope you guys feel at peace - I worry about you every day! I can't believe how much I love that little guy!!!

  2. What absolutely gorgeous pictures! They are my current favorites. Of course, my current favorites change almost daily! My, he is a handsome little man, and his mommy is just beautiful.
