Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

Caleb's oxygen is now between 60 and 70%. His feedings are going up but his lungs just aren't keeping pace with the way the rest of his body is going. They're giving him a drug called lasix to try to help reduce the fluid in his lungs. The next step is to get him on another steroid to help with lung development. Hopefully the lasix will help to get his oxygen back down to the fifties or below and the additional nutrition will keep him gaining weight.

I got that update yesterday evening. Leah was excited because one of the nurses made a 2014 sign with Caleb's hand and foot print. I'll post a picture when she sends it to me. 

Not sure Leah wants this posted but here is the reality right now... Leah is exhausted all of the time. She is trying to recover from 3 months in bed and she still doesn't walk normally with out pain. She just had a c section but has four darling little girls that are dying for her attention all of the time. She is pumping every 3 hours and freezing her milk for Caleb and takes it back and fourth to the hospital. She is also taking care of sick kids and tries to go see Caleb everyday... the hospital is 45 minutes away. Zeb does an amazing job helping with all of the responsibilities with kids and home but he will be returning to work soon.

Please keep praying for Caleb and his family. Although Caleb has made it through some hard, critical days, he is not out of the woods. They have a long road ahead and need our continued prayers. Thank you for your love, friendship and so many acts of service over the last 3.5 months. They are so grateful.

We love you Fish family... you are not alone! 
Happy 3 weeks old baby Caleb!
Auntie Angie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's a heavy load for a mom!!! (And family!!!) Continued prayers from this part of Utah! Praying the steroids help, too!!!

  3. Leah-

    I am Cindy Hansen's friend and we met when you were still in the Richardson Stake and most recently when you were very first pregnant at Isabel's shower.

    I have been following your story because I had a very similar experience with my water breaking early and waiting and waiting for what was next in the hospital like you. When I read that Caleb came at 29 weeks I gasped...because our Caroline did, too!

    I was at the Hansen's toy drive the very next day and saw your friend who had your girls and talked her ear off about what was to come for you. The pumping, the anticipation of holding your baby, the fears, the joys...

    I finally decided to comment tonight when I read that you are exhausted and trying to do so much. These are sacred days and I hope that when you are in the NICU, you can feel some of the sacredness-even though it is stressful and hard.

    From our experience, I truly learned that kids are resilient and your other kids will soar through these times and all of the rest that is in store...the doctor visits, the therapies, everything. These are sacred days for them, too. Angels are surrounding all of you. I just know it.

    The NICU and preemies will always be special to your family. My older kids have even done reports on is just a special part of our world and it will be for you too!

    The pumping goes on and on and on...all I can say is hang in there. And save it!!!! We wanted to have our family home together as soon as possible so we skipped the actual breast feeding and went straight to bottle feeds in the NICU and it bought us a week or two. Our daughter didn't lose weight and we could track exactly how much she ate which helped. Just a thought.

    Most of all, just hang in there. Our 29 weeker is a lively six year old and the best reader in her class. She just snuck out of bed as I have been typing and yep, we give into her much more than our other kids and she just might be her daddy's favorite. (Shhh!) You can't help but give in when they have been through so much!

    She knows she has a special story and asks to be told it often. Caleb will ask for it, too...but boy howdy, be careful when you are driving and re-telling his tale! :)

    Caleb will be sneaking out of bed someday, too, and he will be the best reader and you just might find yourself cuddling with him a bit longer. He is a special boy who needed a specific birthday and his story will inspire others.

    Stay strong and healthy and keep your eye and heart on the prize of having him home. When it is all over with, you will count the days you spent at the hospital and cry a big cry. And you will run into one of his nurses when you are out and about and you will proudly show him off and you will cry a big cry again.

    Just know that a mom of a 29 weeker is rooting for you and for him!

  4. Allie, just wanted to say thank you for your post. I wanted to ask if your Caroline came home on the ventilator or just what her NICU journey went like. Did your water break before 20 weeks? Was she on the conventional ventilator for a long time? Were there weeks it looked like she was sliding backwards instead of forward? Just trying to see if I can correspond with someone that has a similar story. My email is
