Thursday, January 30, 2014

49 Days in the NICU

Exactly 7 weeks ago at this exact time Caleb was born. He has been in the NICU 49 days so far. He is weighing in at 5 pounds 6.8 ounces and has some awesome cheeks going. Zeb and I both got to hold him today. Instead of the kangaroo holding we just held him wrapped in his blankets to see if that helped. He tolerated it much better. He has been in the 60's oxygen wise yesterday and today. The eye exam the other day went well and they'll continue to do check ups. The ultrasound on his brain showed a grade 1 brain bleed but apparently that's normal for preemies. You worry when it's grade 3. It's so nice to be able to hold Caleb's hand, touch his face and sing to him and not have his saturation alarms go off. That is a blessing.

I wish I knew the future, but I don't have super powers. And knowing the future wouldn't require faith and trust, I suppose. I have so many thoughts go through my mind each day. I have so many feelings. I feel like I'm living another life. It's hard to explain what this experience is like.  I know I receive so many blessings and I truly believe that I'm not even aware of most of them. Blessings given by those around me and from my Heavenly Father that I just don't know about. But I can feel them. I'm so grateful for so many things. So many people praying for us. So many acts of service. So much love. Thank you. 


1 comment:

  1. Such sweet pictures! Love seeing him dressed in clothes, too. :)
