Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bath Time

Here are pictures of the first time we gave Lexie a bath. If she could talk I think these pictures would be narrated like this... 
Hmmm I think I could get used to this treatment. 

It's really not bad...

Wow there are a lot of people around me. 

I'm not sure I'm a fan after all. I'm rethinking my initial comment. 

On second thought I'm hungry. Oh there's someone's hand, I'll try that. 

Well that's a bummer not really what I wanted. Not fun. 

Now I'm ticked. I don't think I like the bath at all and now I'm hungry. 

Feed me now! But I need to keep my death grip on your finger, Audrey, don't move it. 

Okay I'm clean and still ready to eat. Let's do this. 

Your sisters love to help with Lexie. They are great helpers and come running even when it's time to change her diaper. 
Hence the picture below. 

Today was the first time I looked at Alexis and completely saw you. I burst into tears. Having her is one of the most beautiful yet difficult things I think a mother can go through. It's hard to put into words what your emotions range from on an hour by hour or even minute by minute basis. Especially with the hormonal changes your body goes through from pregnancy and birth. 

My love for Alexis is immense, beautiful and immeasurable and will never be questioned. Ever. But with my love for her comes an intense sadness and longing for you that is almost as difficult, if not equally as difficult, as the day we closed your casket and I said goodbye to your beautiful face the last time. It's so incredibly hard. Hard doesn't scratch the surface. 

I know I'll get through this. I'm so grateful for my savior. Goodness he strengthens me. He brings me comfort when my feelings and sadness are so intense. He calms my breaking heart and gives me the strength to wipe my tears and keep going. I don't know what I would do without my savior. Maybe you can thank him for me, sweet boy. Would you mind? Give him a big hug too, while you're at it. :) 
I love you, son. 


1 comment:

  1. Leah, I am so happy for your family. I wonder daily if another child will help my family heal from the loss of Sophia. Babies bring so much joy and light. I love seeing each of your girls holding your Alexis. There faces are so happy. I feel like you are so brave. I read your blog and find courage in the words you write. The saddest day of my life was handing my sweet baby girl over to the mortician....words cannot describe the pain. Saying good-bye for now is very difficult. I remind myself hourly that Sophie is very much alive...and very happy. But even knowing this, a mother's heart still aches for the child she has lost. I feel like I have had a glimpse into what our Heavenly Father felt for His son...I am so grateful for our Savior. I couldn't bear the lose of Sophie without Him. There is joy in this life because of Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing...your words truly help me...
