Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Last night I got a text from Julia's Kindergarten teacher. Here is what it said:
I love getting texts from her and I love hearing about how much Julia talks about you. It melts my heart too. Julia's Kinder teacher has become a very close friend of mine. She had her water break at 22 weeks with twins that are in Heaven with you.  She has been a huge support to me and I am so grateful she is Julia's teacher this year. 
On March 1, this spring, she ran a half marathon for you.  I texted her this picture of you and a note encouraging her when the race was getting tough. Nurse Shannon wrote it up for us since we weren't there yet. We brought your medal to the hospital.
We are surrounded by people who love you, sweet boy. 
I loved watching you sleep on your tummy and it was your favorite position.. You looked so cozy and so tiny. Once you got your trach you seldom liked your tummy anymore. I think it pushed on the collar and I'm sure it wasn't comfortable. Your nurses tried lots of jerry rigging but it was pretty tough to find a way where it was comfy. So your sides became your favorite. You were such an amazing trooper with such a sweet disposition and happy temperament. Goodness you are special. 

On the way to school this morning this was the conversation.
Hallie: Are we going to spell Alexis' nick name L-E-X-I?
Me: I don't know I think we will spell it L-E-X-I-E.
Hallie: Oh bummer, Mrs. Samples has a daughter that spells hers L-E-X-I.
Me: Well, you know if we do I-E it's spelled like your name.
Hallie: (with a huge grin) I think that would be okay!!!
Hallie: When she's in trouble you'll say, "ALEXIS GRACE!"
Audrey: It even sounds pretty when you say it like that.
Hallie: Yeah, it does.
Julia: We would say, you go to your room because you're too cute to be out here.
Hallie: She would even have to stand in the corner at school because she would be too cute.

Your sisters are seriously adorable. Oh my goodness I love them. 

I get to see pictures of your baby sister today. Speaking of, I'd better go get ready for my appointment. First I have to show you the picture of the sky in Utah this morning that Auntie Angie texted me. It's perfectly breathtaking, just like you.

I love you, sweet boy,
all the way to heaven and back.



  1. Caleb is and always will be such an important part of our lives. I love that his sissies love and talk about him so much. The name Alexis Grace just keeps getting more beautiful. Boy, did I love the "too cute" conversation! Gram

  2. Love this post. Love Julia and her tender Caleb loving heart. So happy she talks about him so much. All of your girls are adorable.... love hearing them talk about Lexie. :) The picture sure got to me. I miss seeing him on the web cam. Love that you have dear friends who are there for you and do things like run 13 miles to honor your baby boy. Amazing. I am so happy you loved the sunirse picture. I see Caleb and feel closer to him when the sky is beautful. My whole family loves Caleb skies!!! Love you so much. Love Caleb. Love love love him. I think of both of you every hour of every day.
