Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Hearts of Little Children

Children are so tender, sweet and innocent. Julia just misses you so much. Her prayers this week have had an overall theme, "Please bless that if we feel scared that caleb can come down and we can feel him in our hearts." 

The other night we were having family prayer and julia had a picture of you she was looking at. She asked if you could say the prayer. It was so pure. 

Tonight I went to tuck her in and she started crying. She said,"mommy I try to pray with caleb every night but I just can't feel him. It's so hard." My heart just broke and the tears just came. She said,"I just wish caleb could come down and be alive again. So he could come home and get bigger here." Oh goodness she misses you so. We all do. I told her I wished that to. I had to leave so she didn't see me break down and sent daddy in to talk to her. 

I came in the living room and cried. Claire found a scripture and read it to me and we hugged and cried. 

The girls sleep with things surrounding them of yours, we all do. You are so very loved, sweet boy, to heaven and back. 



1 comment:

  1. Oh heart aches for your family tonight. My kids want and wish for the same thing. Their prayers are Eden (3) prays every day that Sophia will get better and be able to come back and live with us...or that sophia will be good, because she is with Jesus. It is hard to watch our kids mourn. It is a so painful. I wish every day that I could take their pain away...but I know that this is God's plan for our family. And I feel so lucky (as I know you do to) to have born such an incredible child. And Caleb is yours forever...just like Sophi is mine forever. I am so grateful for the comfort the gospel brings...just wanted you to know I am thinking of you you...Melissa
