Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans Day

Hallie has been very excited about her Veterans Day performance that the entire 4th grade has been preparing for. Zeb was able to meet us there and we went extra early to get seats. 

One of the songs was called, "American Tears." As the kids sang the song they put up pictures of veterans of the students and staff at school. We were proud and honored to have uncle Abe among those recognized for his service. 

Abraham Fish 
U.S. Army Green Beret 
Uncle to Hallie, Audrey and Julia Fish

I loved the pride the girls felt seeing their uncle up on the projector. And that zeb and I felt as well. Thank you Abe, and all those who serve, for your sacrifices and service. 
The chorus of the song says, "For the heroes, for the patriots, for the soldiers, for all the pioneers. I will always be an American and I will always cry American tears." 
During the song and slideshow it was incredibly special. The feeling of respect and gratitude for those that have served or who are still serving was tangible. Because of the strong feelling of reverence Julia leaned to me and said, "Mom, did Uncle Abe die?" I said, "No honey he's still here." She then said "But I feel like he did." I am in awe at Julia's connection to her feelings and thoughts about things like this. She knew she felt different, that the feeling of the room was solemn and quiet and I guess to her she equates that to how she felt at your funeral. 

Hallie was beaming as she came to find us after the program. She kept saying, "I'm sweating, it's HOT!!!" 
Here she is in her patriotic shirt! She even wanted her nails red and blue. :)

Maybe you can tell all those family and friends in heaven thank you from all of us for all they did. We are so grateful for our freedoms and are indebted to all the veterans. I wish I could spend just a few minutes with you sweet boy. Oh how I love and miss you. 


1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I am so humbled to serve this amazing nation. Thank you for raising a those girls to love it also.
