Thursday, March 6, 2014

Plugging along

You've been able to come down on your oxygen a bit. Sunday you were 100, they increased your steroid. Monday you were 80's and they started an antibiotic in your breathing tube. Tuesday you were 70's. Wednesday your IV antibiotic started and you were in 60's and 70's. Today you're the same as yesterday. The doctors are talking a lot about a tracheostomy. You may need months and even a year or two to grow enough lung tissue to oxygenate your body the way you need to. The great thing we have going for us is that you'll continue to grow lung tissue until you're 12. Babies are only born with 10 percent of their lung capacity. You're almost 3 months old and you're not able to really be a baby and develop like you should. A trach would allow us to interact with you in a completely different way. It will also help with oxygenation among other things. We've got a lot to think and pray about over the next few weeks. The surgery involved sounds miserable but after the week of recovery we hear that babies are really able to thrive. 

Just know that we will make the decision that we feel is the best for you after a LOT of considerations. 

Sunday night when you were at 100 percent we watched you until our eyes no longer stayed open. 
You mean so much to us Caleb, Luke. 
Love you like crazy. 


1 comment:

  1. Seriously love that boy so so so much!! I have no doubt you will make the best decision for Caleb... you have been doing that since September. At every turn you have weighed the options, prayed and moved forward with the best for Caleb. You are in my constant thoughts and prayers. I love you and am cheering for you all at every moment!! Love you baby boy. More than you'll ever know. So grateful Amanda is always thinking and listening... what a blessing. She has played such a vital role in his care since your water broke. Love you. Auntie Ang
