Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I got to hold you again today. You sat in my lap just chillin and then fell fast asleep. You loved sitting up and being in a different position. 

Just before I held you I needed to pump (I'm still not giving up just yet although I think I permanently damaged the plumbing). I sat in the chair and was just about to get things ready to pump and I heard one of the nurses say dad was on the phone. I thought, "the only reason zeb calls while I'm here is when the camera isn't on." I looked to see where the camera was and it just so happened that it was right in front of me getting video of my shirt...I started laughing pretty hard. He told the nurse I was about to pump in front of the camera!!! All the nurses were laughing. Seriously so funny. Thanks, Zeb, for letting me know before I showed everyone watching things they didn't want to see!

During dads lunch break we talked to the neonatologist. He continued to say the things he said yesterday about not knowing the outcome of the surgery but he did say that they think they can do the surgery. If they didn't think it could be successful they wouldn't do it. 

You have growth on your side. While we aren't sure your lungs are growing slightly faster than the rest of your body we do know you are growing. The doctor mentioned some babies with underdeveloped lungs have a very hard time growing and fail to thrive. It is clear with you that that's not the case. You have continued to gain weight on a consistent basis and that's a big deal. That made mom and dad really happy. 

The doc also mentioned that this last time you went up on your oxygen when they weaned your pulmonary hypertension meds and steroids, they also stopped an antibiotic that they give in your ET tube. Sometimes doctors do a course of that medicine a few times a month for bacteria growing and it can help lessen secretions. You've continued to have more secretions than normal so he's starting that medicine today to see if it helps. 

We are watching your right lung since it still looks affected, continuing to wean the steroids, starting the Tobymycin, keeping your hypertension meds the same and watching your oxygen needs. If your numbers stay in 60's (50's would be ideal) and those other things look good then we may proceed with surgery next week. The neonatologist is going to talk with the surgeon and anesthesiologist to see if they are on board. Ultimately I know that it will happen when the timing is right. Heavenly Father is aware and knows what's best for you and our family and we will continue to put our faith in him. 

Adrianne did your hair today and was patting you when I got there. I love listening to your nurses talk to you and love on you. They seriously love you and that makes my heart so happy. 

Sure do love you buddy. Rest up!!!


  1. What a lovely post! We really do have so much to be grateful for. My heart is happy knowing that your heart is happy, and I'm very glad that Zeb keeps his eye on that camera!

  2. Such a sweet boy. And a strong boy! Please let us know how we can support your family next week or whenever they decide to do the surgery.
