Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sweet Memory

This is one of my favorite memories of you, sweet boy.  Another NICU mom, Sarah, came to visit you and you were showing off your smiles. This was one of the first times I really got you to smile again and again. It just melted me. My cheeks hurt like crazy because I was smiling, grinning from ear to ear, for such a long time. Your smile, dimples, rubber band wrists, chubby cheeks, sweet disposition and courageous spirit will never be forgotten. I will never forget the day you entered this world or the day you left it. My heart will never be complete until all my children are in my arms and we are together again. The Savior made that possible, how grateful I am for that. Until then sweet boy, I'll love you from here and pray for you up there. Love you all the way to heaven and back.


  1. Hi Honey,
    I was just listening to an especially beautiful piece of music which is a favorite of mine, and my thoughts went to Caleb and to you. I'm having a good hard Caleb cry, something that seems to happen when I least expect it. I miss him so much, and my heart just aches for you and for Zeb and the girls. I want you to be able to hold him and snuggle him. I want to be able to sing to him, and see him grin, and laugh at the funny things he says. Then I think about the memories that I'm so thankful to have with him, and all the wonderful things in the world that he will get to see and do someday. The beauty of his spirit and life are an important part of my testimony, and they are always in my heart. We will be with each other and with Caleb forever, and the experiences we have had with Caleb and because of Caleb are some of the brightest and most binding for our family. The love that you have for your little boy is so tender, and so strong, and so full of faith. You have experienced all of this in a way that is uniquely Leah, which in my mind is characterized by the defining qualities I have seen in you since you were tiny: sweetness, goodness, humility, and pure love. You and Caleb and your family are spreading more light than you can possible imagine. I love you all so much.


  2. Hi sweetie,
    Thinking of you and your wonderful family.
    It is my dad's birthday and the 1 year anniversary of Caleb's death.
    So many mixed emotions I'm sure. Blessings to remember and a
    huge loss to mourn. As awesome as Caleb was in life I am sure he
    is following through with that and being busy waiting for you and Zeb.
    As bonded as you are to him...he is bonded to you. I think you are
    handling everything with great patience, love and understanding.
    What is the right way to mourn and grieve?
    Just your way.
    Not anyone else's. Just your way.
    I don't know much, but this much I do know. It will all work out and
    the love you and Caleb share is unbreakable.
    Now it is up to his family to live, serve, testify and love the gospel
    until a marvelous reunion.
    Love you with all my heart sweet girl.
