Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy First Easter

One of your Aunties made an Easter basket for you! Since we were staying at the hospital and it was a rough week she put together baskets for the girls too. The Easter bunny topped off the baskets with chocolate. Mmmm. 
We were supposed to have Easter dinner with auntie Cindy's family but ended up bringing it to the hospital to eat instead. 

Super grateful for family to help us through these last few weeks. Super grateful for the fun packages we've gotten in the mail that brought smiles to our faces. So grateful for so many people checking the blog to see how you're doing and for the continued prayers. Super grateful for the innumerable acts of service our family receives on a daily basis. We are so very blessed. Most of all I'm grateful for our Savior and his life. For the way he submitted his will to heavenly father's and was the best example to all of us. He strengthens me when I need it most. He has helped me through this trial and there are no words that would scratch the surface for how grateful I truly am to him. I know he will continue to be there for me and for our family. 

I hope you had a happy first Easter! I forgot to take a picture of the sign the nurses made you but I will! You're one loved little boy!! Goodness I'm lucky to be your mom. 

You're having trouble sleeping lately and I worry you're uncomfortable and in pain. The doc ordered more Tylenol and it seems you slept a bit better last night. Hopefully you'll sleep better and better as you finish recovering. The surgeon will be by this week to change your trach out and cut the sutures. Hopefully things are healing nicely even though you've been on steroids for so long. I pray they will. 

Sure do love you, buddy!

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