Monday, April 21, 2014

Checking in on you

I absolutely love checking in on you on the web cam. We are so blessed to have the web cams at Dallas presby and I can't imagine having you in the NICU for as long as you've been without them. Look how sweet you look...
I just adore you. 
Oh I can't wait to hold you again!!! Those cheeks are THE best. Claire has been asking when she gets to hold you. The girls are beyond excited to see you in may!!!! 

While dad was at the hospital during lunch he said you gave a really big smile. He tried to take a picture for me but got the tail end of it. 

You're just the cutest. They changed the Ativan they've been giving you to another med when you get agitated. They said it's stronger and lasts longer so hopefully that will help. You slept more today than you have the past couple days so that's so great to hear. I should be able to hold you by the end of he week hopefully. It's already been a week and 2 days so I'm counting down! I love our snuggle time! 

Love you, buddy.

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