Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A thing or two about fairytales

You're working a lot harder to breathe and you had a low fever this morning so the doc ordered labs to see if anything is going on. Your oxygen needs are higher as well as your vent settings. I was able to spend quite a bit of time with you today since gram is still here which I loved. She leaves tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to that. It's been so wonderful to have her here to be with the girls and helping so much. After we called to check on you tonight and the nurse said your oxygen was up I just broke down. Daddy is coming to spend the night with you to be near you. We love you so much, Caleb. More than you'll ever know. I wish I could breathe for you and just give you a little break. 

You were having a hard afternoon and dad held you during his lunch break. I love seeing you two together. It makes my heart so full. 
I guess you and dad will have a guys' night tonight. Just be sure not to go to bed too late. You need your rest and dad needs to go to work tomorrow. You and dad can talk about boy things. I'll think about the fairytales I watched growing up. If I could choose a fairytale it would be sleeping beauty. You and the people that love you would be sleeping under a spell. That way your lungs could grow while everyone is asleep and then we would wake up and no one would be any older. We'd have to do some tweaking to the movie plot but I think it could be about a handsome prince named Caleb instead of a princess named aurora. 

I think we all grow up with a fairytale in mind for our future. But as we experience life and trials we come to realize how difficult life really is. So how can life really be a fairytale? Because we are given people to love on our journey. Our individual stories are unique and personal. During our times of trial it is those we love; the savior, our families, and friends that help us conquer and endure. At times there is more required than we think we could possibly give, causing us to search the very depths of our souls for more. More strength, more patience, more endurance. When we cry and pour our hearts out to Heavenly Father I know He listens. I know He sends comfort and love. I have witnessed it and continue to witness it. What fairytale is there that has no opposition? No struggles? No difficulties? There isn't one. Our happily ever after won't fall into our laps. We have to do the work to reach it. Even when it's hard. The beautiful thing is we can yoke ourselves with the Savior and follow Him. He will lead us to where we need to be, to our happily ever after. I trust Him. I trust Heavenly Father's plan for you, Caleb. For our family. There are many things in fairytale stories that don't transfer to real life, but there are a few things that do. This is just plain hard. But it is worth it. 
I love you. 

Sleep tight. 


  1. Wonderful post. If only magic were a part of real life. But then I suppose that life might lose some of its meaning if we could create the circumstances we wanted without any opposition. Poor buddy…I sure hope he is feeling better soon!

  2. Leah this was probably one of my favorite posts of yours. Your words spoke to me. I am 10 days postpartum with our 4th baby. She is healthy, but me, not so much. I have been rehospitalized and visited the ER twice now in the ten days she has been born. My blood pressure isn't responding to all the meds they have me on and I have been so discouraged. I needed to read your words today...I hadn't been able to read your posts and was catching up on them finally this morning when I read this one. You and your family are continually in my prayers. Bless you and sweet little Caleb. I will take your words and apply them to my situation and pray that I can feel the peace and love of my Savior as I battle my high blood pressure.
