Monday, June 23, 2014

Normal CO2 Numbers!

We've been hoping your CO2 would go down into your "normal" range for several days now. Over a week actually. Your blood gas this morning was 59.9! Yay!!!!! I'm so relieved. 

Claire and Hallie came to see you yesterday. You make so many faces that are so funny and cute. You do a frowny face every once in a while that is just so sad. Dad took a picture during it while Claire was holding you..
You're dimple is just THE cutest. And your cheeks are beyond kissable. I kiss them like crazy when I visit you. 
You're just the cutest sweetest little boy. Can't wait to come love on you today. 



  1. yeah!!! so happy things are back to normal, was the team ever able to figure out what might have been the issue??? prayers and hugs to Caleb, he is looking better and better each week.

  2. So glad to hear that he's doing better. This is truly a roller coaster! I love all of his sweet expressions, and it makes me so happy to see him interacting with his sissies! Love you guys so much!

  3. Love that sad frown! Ha. So cute!
